Our activities

3 minutes

Wave 1 #

In numbers: 19 mentors and over 20 mentees

Highlights #

June 2022Wave 1 Kick-off event supported by the Department of Social Services of the Canton of Zug, Gemeinnützige Gesellschaft Zug (GGZ), RAV Zug (regional employment center) and Ms. Natalia Lechbinskaya (SEEP founder and lawyer).
November 2022Program end event for mentees and mentors
December 2022Mentees Christmas event

Wave 2 #

In numbers: 25 mentors and 34 mentees

Results #

  • 20% of the Wave 2 mentees were employed by the end of the project (compared to 4% at the beginning of the wave)
  • 84,6% participants evaluate their chances to find a job as high at the end of the program vs. 15,3% at the beginning
  • 100% participants indicate that they got significant results from mentors’ support
  • 96,2% indicated that they have received useful information and support from the program
  • 100% would recommend the initiative to their peers

Highlights #

January 2023Power Hub Zug is officially registered as an association (“Verein”)
January 2023Wave 2 Kick-off event supported by the Department of Social Services of the Canton of Zug
February 2023CV photo session offered for mentees
March 2023Power Hub Zug is invited to participate in the organisation of the Job Fair hold by Thomson Reuters, many our participants take part in this event
April 2023Interview workshop for mentors organised by Interview lab
Mock interview session for our mentees
April 2023Program end: get-together & results of the program

Wave 3 #

In numbers: 37 mentors and 47 mentees

Results #

  • 31% of the Wave 3 mentees were employed by the end of the wave (compared to 17% at the beginning)
  • 76% participants evaluate their chances to find a job as high at the end of the wave vs. 10% at the beginning
  • 90% indicated that they have received useful information and support from the program
  • 100% would recommend the initiative to their peers

Highlights #

August 2023Wave 3 Kick-off event supported by the Department of Social Services of the Canton of Zug and RAV Zug (regional employment center)
September 2023Power Hub Zug is officially recognized as a non-profit organisation by the canton of Zug
October 2023Mock interviews for mentees
Webinar “CV through the eyes of a recruiter” hold by an HR specialist from Johnson&Johnson
Start of the webinar series on self-employment for Ukrainians
November 2023Mock interviews for the most successful mentees
Power Hub Zug team and several mentees participate in the Third Career Re-Entry Conference in Zug organised by Companies&Returnships Network
December 2023Final get-together and celebration of the results of the 3rd wave
Get-together for mentors and feedback on the results

Wave 4 (planned start - March 2024) #

Are you an Ukrainian war migrant looking for employment in Switzerland? You can apply for participation as mentee in our next wave via this link

Would you like to support us as a mentor? Please register via this link

January 0001

First wave - 2022

The pilot project officially started with a kickoff and information meeting on the 17th of June 2022

2 minutes

Second Wave - 2023

The second wave of participants started in January 2023.

1 minute