
2 minutes

Meet our core team #

The initiative Power Hub Zug was born from the experience of the volunteering activities provided by the members of the core group since the beginning of the war in Ukraine in February 2022. After several months of engagement for Ukrainian refugees in the canton, we started to realize how huge this task was and how important it was to concentrate on the topic where we could achieve the biggest impact. All of us being expats who changed several countries in their lives, we soon realized: our personal experience of starting from zero in a foreign country and the knowledge of the Swiss labor market, application and job search process are our most relevant skills. Thus, we have started to build up an initiative based on our core abilities in this area.

Our core team has been constantly growing since the start of the project and we are endlessly happy to find so many inspiring and helping co-thinkers:

  • Alina - the organisational talent managing all participants related topics in our initiative
  • Anastasiia - our Ukrainian supporter taking care of the mentors
  • Anastasiia - our Ukrainian volunteer taking care of communication topics around mentees
  • Elena - ACC ICF certified coach and job coach
  • Mariia - HR talent and strong motivator
  • Natalia - administration and management topics, external connections
  • Olena - inspirational force of our initiative and our legal counsel